- 2025-02-09
- 2025-01-03
- 2024-11-26
- 2024-07-20
关于我们 / ABOUT US
耶鲁深圳校友会/Yale Club of Shenzhen
Yale Club of Shenzhen, officially founded in 2016, is dedicated to the promotion of the welfare and influence of Yale University in Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area. The Club aims to connect students, alumni and friends of the University, and strengthen their bonds to the University as well as the local community. The Club believes that a vibrant local alumni group, including graduates of all Yale schools, is the primary instrument by which to advance the interests and stature of Yale University in the Greater Bay metropolitan area. The purpose of the Club shall be exclusively educational and charitable.If you live in Shenzhen or its surrounding area, you are by default a Club member and welcome at all of the Shenzhen Club events.
校友活动 / EVENT
版权所有:Yale Club of Shenzhen
Yale Club of Shenzhen
Email: yaleclub_shenzhen@qq.com